Tuesday, June 28, 2011

ja's comment

i like the idea of combining different elements into one unit or the form that has many possibilities to be explored by the kids. The play equipments that I saw on the day we visited playground next to Emporium has three steps in common, climbing, to elevated surface, and sliding down. If the climbing is integrated with sitting or the elevated surface is expand, I think it would create learning area that encourage children to learn and have fun. I can remember from my childhood that elevated area always attract me most and from this it also make me addicted to climb. It also encourage kids to learn about the built structure around themselves and not only playing but if the infrastructure is going to need some maintenance, not the major one, but the smaller scale that can gave a lesson to the children, for example, if we do something with the wooden table and create some equipments or toys out of it, these equipments are stored and if kids want to play they take it out, after they finished, store it at the same place. It might allow more open space or flat area that could support a lot of activites or games as well.

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