Tuesday, June 28, 2011



  1. Panpan's comment

    from the presentation, the vertical use of space from title's group is very interesting for me. As the site is very narrow, too much of the ground surface alterations like adding levels or clear separation into zones might as well make the space seems small. The umbrella of the canopy starts to define spaces both under and over it. I think one structure can be designed to become shading device, seatings, and playing instruments for the children. This one structure can be used for all purpose where the functions can be left to the users to define and still leaves the ground level empty for other usage.
    Another idea from chains group about defining space using ground is also interesting as children are more sensitive to slight changes of the ground surface, i think it would be nice to incorporate these ideas.

  2. From all groups presentations what interested me were two elements which I thought are buildable and suited to the site: first is the tire wall from this group, secondly are the hills proposal from group 3 and group 2. The tire wall, I think, is a good design in a way that it turns recycled materials into a usable and aesthetically interesting play equipment. It also appears realistic and buildable within a time constraint. I think it will be more friendly with bright and colorful paint and also if it was design in a way that can be moved and adjusted according to the children's desire. As for the hill designs, I think are successful because it is flexible in terms of usage - a hill can be used for climbing, sitting, playing. I see potential in both groups designs to incorporate rock climbing elements, sliding, seating as well as rope or netting structure. I think our design could be subtle and simple by playing with landscapes and horizontal elements which would not be blocking the existing circulation but integrated along with it.
