Friday, July 8, 2011

Tshirt Update!!

Guys! I have ordered Songkhla tshirt for our trip already and it will be delivered on this sunday. It costs 150.- for each, so 300.- in total. Please meet a bit earlier before check-in time at the airport to get your tshirt na kub ;))

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Songkhla Tshirt Design

Please vote for your favorite one na kub ;)

T-Shirt Design

please vote for the best design, and please upload more if u have an idea.

Songs for the beach

Hi guys,

You're all welcome to give me a list of songs you'd like to hear on the beach.
So I can find the chords and bring it there.I'll list out the songs I already have too.

I also prepared party music, good hip hop,good trance and a Djay program.
So we can have a fabulous beach party ;)

Any song suggestions please list it down.



Many great ideas from all the groups, I'll mention each group as follows:

Sunny's group:
-The idea of material change and level change on the ground surface is great. The kids will be able to have fun,learn and be creative while playing with it.They can imagine stories with different scenarios when they play on the ground.
-Tire play equipment is simple and fun. We can come up with so many variations of play equipment with tires,so that's a good start off.

Naamwaan's group:
-The idea of the slanted slope hill, is a fun idea and encourage exercising in a way. Kids should run,climb and roll around to have fun, so this idea does it.

Title's group:
-This group was the only group who really started off thinking about shading. They really thought about how to make roofing beautiful. A good idea to integrate not only other function into the roof other than just shading.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

link to 'tyre'playground design :)



There are many good ideas coming from each of the group. The good thing is that all the groups designed and focused with a different point of view. And as a result we can see the parallel use of all 4 designs.
The design of the first group(sunny's), with many different layers of ground and materials; it gives oneself, especially kids, an ability to explore the varieties of things existing. Another interesting point were the equipments. The equipment designed was rather interesting with a use of configurations and (almost) modules. A suggestion that I would give would be to come up with a design that we could literally alter, even at a young age. Perhaps, the way we can alter these equipment could become a field of play itself.
To some extent, I think all four groups did explore a lot of ground and spaces instead of an individual piece of equipment. This, as an initial starting point, was a great way to explore the possibilities of landscape. To me, to start of with a landscape allow us now to shape the equipment around the landscape so that at the end it would all came out as a completely synchronized design instead of individual pieces. Maybe after we finish with the design we could all come up with another layer of synchronized elements such as decorative elements, or paints that will bring our project together.

Cement Price List

Sang Seing Huan only sell Elephant and Tiger brand.

IDEO Shopping Cart Design Charrette

Here's the video featuring the design process of IDEO that we saw a few weeks ago in class.

AutoCAD Drawing of Site Plan

Here is a .dwg file of the linework shown above.  Feel free to alter the layout to accommodate the play equipment and materials you have been working on this week.  Today will pin up your revised plan (drawn on A4) and any other sketches you have made since our discussion yesterday.  We will meet in room 705 at 1pm.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


            For the 4th group, the main subjects are about the scattered units which look like trees and could become components for shading or playground. I suppose that the units could be more versatile if they can move around. The poles need holes to settle themselves, adding holes around the area could provide more function to the tree-like structures.
            On the other hand, as they are children, it may not be proper to let them carry around the structure. So we may not control the units which should be static but manipulate the shadow which is dynamic. If we set the time and program for the units properly, the structures make shadow casted on the area as we want from the activity.
             Iron may not be a good choice for the structure due to the climate as it absorbs much heat if exposed to the sun too long. 

Class is in Room 405 Today

We will meet in the fourth floor studio at 1pm today.


From yesterday, I have see lots of good idea that may work and should keep develop more further. I like the idea of using difference material in group1 but I’m not so sure about changing level, due to the fact that kids are very easy the trip and fall even on the flat ground. Changing ground level even only 10 cms still effected and I think it maybe better for kid to run freely with out worrying the steps.
However, I have a little concern that most of the groups are focus on the landscape design. I knew that it is very importance but looking in the whole picture, it seem like we hardly built something.(except group 4) And form the kid’s drawing, the playgrounds that they want, I’ve seen a lot of toys and playing equipments.
Shouldn’t we focus more on designing playing equipment?
Maybe besides using landscape to control kids circulation, we could design attractive equipment that can be played and also fit with the circulation at the same time. I don’t know. Just an idea.

ja's comment

i like the idea of combining different elements into one unit or the form that has many possibilities to be explored by the kids. The play equipments that I saw on the day we visited playground next to Emporium has three steps in common, climbing, to elevated surface, and sliding down. If the climbing is integrated with sitting or the elevated surface is expand, I think it would create learning area that encourage children to learn and have fun. I can remember from my childhood that elevated area always attract me most and from this it also make me addicted to climb. It also encourage kids to learn about the built structure around themselves and not only playing but if the infrastructure is going to need some maintenance, not the major one, but the smaller scale that can gave a lesson to the children, for example, if we do something with the wooden table and create some equipments or toys out of it, these equipments are stored and if kids want to play they take it out, after they finished, store it at the same place. It might allow more open space or flat area that could support a lot of activites or games as well.

Muangthai Comments

From each scheme that came out from each group, I see the potential in combining elements from different scheme.
Here is the list of the things that i like and dislike from each group.

    1st group
+ Use of different materials
+ Round sink which are located in the area of the circulation area
+ using table top as a flexible tool for outdoor learning/playing
- there is no big flat plane
    2nd group
+ Cutting of the slope hill
+ Infrastructure which encourage the children to interact with
- the space where the slope meets the element art building doesn't seems like a very good space. 
    3rd Group
+ Area usage
+ Calm corner
+ Digging the soil up and use them to build a lifted ground level
- By creating the lower than the usual ground level, You might have to deal with some problem which come along -> Flooding , Drainage System
    4th Group
+ Simple but very interesting infrastructure. Big potential in developing them.
+ the infrastructure itself could be shading device, Play toy, Platform, Roof, Ground And much more
- The proportion of the Tree-like Infrastructure doesn't look like it is strong enough for children to stand on.
- Using Iron means more welding - more welding means more man power with skill is needed.

Some idea from each group could be combine to create a space that we wanted. for example:
* We could put the tree-like infrastructure in the calm corner that the 2nd group proposed.

One thing that I'm a little bit concern is about the Concrete block.. How are we gona deal with it ?


Sunny's comments

From all the scheme I have seen today, they all have different strong and weak point on there project. However, the one that stand out to me and seem to have the most potential is group number 3 (chain's group) where they use the ground itself as a climbing equipment. This way of making equipments need less maintenance after it's being build. But I actually question the location of it, since the break of all the students in the school are at the same time. So I think putting it between the building does encourage more children to play on it. Apart from drainage problem that need to be solve, the project does challenging the idea of play in a different dimension. Simple but smart..

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wat Thamnop Tanghon School Entry Sequence

This short video follows the walk from the entry gate of the Wat Thamnop Tanghon School all the way to the Kindergarden classrooms at the rear of the site.  While we are thinking of improvements to make throughout the school, our design/build team will focus most of our effort on an outdoor classroom and playground.  The site for these programs appear at 2:38 in the video.

Any ideas or recommendations?

Thanks for capturing this video, Sunny!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Links from Design Charrette Brief

The links on the brief I emailed to the class do not seem to work, so check them out below:


Performative Public Space (INDA Year 4 Option Studio, Spring 2011)

Staging Ground blog by Andrew TenBrink

Revised Sketchup File

Here is a link to the updated sketchup file of the existing site.

Site Visit Slideshow

The slideshow Aj Kerrie and I presented yesterday can be downloaded here.  Feel free to use the photos and site plans as you prepare design schemes.  

See you all at TCDC at 1pm today.  We will meet at the 'lecture room' if it is available.  

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Playscapes: Playground Design Blog

Spend some time and flip through the new/vintage/bad/fun/beautiful/interesting examples of designed play spaces at playscapes: a blog about playground design.  there is very little holding us back at this point regarding client requests so BE BOLD!!!

Playground Drawings

 We asked the students at Wat Tamnob School to draw what they wanted their playground to be like.

Some Playground References from LANDEZINE.COM


Visit LANDEZINE (sort of like an ArchDaily for urban design and landscape architecture projects) to see a bunch of interesting contemporary playgrounds from around the world.  Think of how some of the design concepts, forms, and materials could be adapted for our project in Songkhla.   

See you all at 1pm today!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Room Numbers

The room assignments for class Jun 13-July 1st will be as follows:
Monday Room 312
Tuesday Room 211
Wednesday Room 312
Thursday Room 312
Friday Room 211

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Project Description

As part of requested campus improvements for a school in rural Songkhla, this project will explore water collection technologies to improve cleanliness for 200 young students. The design and construction of a new lavatory building will address campus circulation and sustainable water management practices. The project will begin with schematic design in Bangkok and result in a fully functional project by the end of July. INDA students will be directly involved with design development, detailing, and construction of the new structure in collaboration with the local community.

Project Information
Location โรงเรียนวัดทำนบตางหน อ. สิงหนคร สงขลา, Songkhla Province

Instructors  Kerrie Butts & Nilay Mistry

Course Duration June 13 - August 2, 2011

Course Credit and Enrollment Codes
Both Y2 & Y3 students participating in this project will receive General Education course credit for Creative and Critical Problem Solving (2541152) for 3 credits. Students still need to register for the appropriate Design/Build course listed below:
INDA Year 2 Design/Build (2541241)
INDA Year 3 Design/Build for Community (2541343)

Grading Criteria for Creative and Critical Problem Solving 
Attendance/Effort & Participation (graded weekly)       50%
Exercises                                                                     20%
Case Studies                                                                10%
Final Documentation                                                    20%

Transportation Options

AirAsia Bangkok to Hat Yai (4 x per day) 1,500 - 1,900 THB one way (1 hour)

Thai Airways Bangkok to Hat Yai (3 x per day) 3,000+ THB one way (1 hour)

State Railway of Thailand Bangkok to Hat Yai (1 x per day) 500 - 1,500 THB one way (14 hours)
Travel arrangements for students will be made as a group through the INDA office.

Accommodations in Songkhla 
Haad Kaew Resort 
163 Moo 1 Tambol Chingkoh, Amphur Sing-Nakorn, Songkhla
phone: (+66) 0 7433 1058

The Haad Kaew Resort is a well-equipped beachfront resort located approximately 7 km from the project site.  30-40 minutes from Hat Yai to Songkhla.

Creative and Critical Problem Solving Course Syllabus
1.         Course Number                        2541152
2.         Course Credits                         3 (1-4-4)
3.         Course Title                             Creative and Critical Problem Solving
4.         Department                             Architecture (International Program)
            Faculty                                     Architecture
5.         Semester                                 Summer
6.         Academic Year                         2010-2011
7.         Instructors                               Kerrie Butts and Nilay Mistry
8.         Condition
8.1 Prerequisite                           Consent of the instructor and INDA
9.         Course Status                          General education course for English and International Programs
10.       Curriculum                              Bachelor of Science in Architectural Design
11.       Degree                                    Undergraduate Student
12.       Number of class hour / week Varies, see course schedule (Total Lecture 16 hours, Class Activities 64 hours)
13.       Course Description    
The course will provide an overview of human problems, from daily life to world problems, with emphasis on design and planning problem solving.  
Problem types, conditions, and sources will be analyzed to identify problem-solving processes. Skills related to problem seeking, problem definitions; 
positive attitudes for problem solving; symbiosis of creative and critical thinking in problem solving will be employed to real world problems through 
the lenses of architectural construction and design.
Students will investigate various approaches, viewpoints and techniques to problem solving, as well as pro-activeness and problem prevention in order 
to develop problem solving skills through problem-based learning project such as exercises, workshops, construction and case studies.
14.       Course Outline  
14.1. Practical Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, each student shall be able to
-apply techniques, tools, methods, thinking skills from this course to solve problems creatively and critically
-improve creative thinking, to be open-minded to change and understand situations from different viewpoints.
-develop critical thinking: deliberation (develop good arguments, pros and cons), formulate one’s opinion on a issue, and evaluate feasibility.
The course also aims to instill in students self-motivated and self-directed learning and inquiry.
14.2. Learning Content See attached
14.3. Class activities / Method                    
Lecture, exercises, Case studies, Design problems, Construction exercises
14.4. Communication Tools
class notes, handouts, readings
lectures, slideshow and video
case study presentations
workshop and group exercises

Revised Schedule- 7 June 2011

Team Members:

1 Chain Mr. Attachai Luangamornlert Y3
2 Sunny Mr. Naphat Chongratanakul Y3
3 Namwan Ms. Kamkan Supabanpot Y3
4 Title Ms. Tadyanee Koranee Y3
5 Putt Ms. Napak Arunanondchai Y3
6 Marie Ms. Mariya Chusakulthanachai Y3
7 New Ms. Apanee Wongsakon Y3
8 Nat Ms. Natchaya Promsuwan Y3
9 Ice Ms. Natta Srivatanachai Y3
10 PanPan Ms. Panpailin Pipattanasakul Y3
11 Oom Ms. Sornsicha Tanoobun Y3
12 Niew Ms. Somruthai Vipaswatcharrayothin Y3
13 June Ms. Thiparat Santaannop Y3
14 Mild Ms. Thiranya Mitrakul Y3
15 Muang Mr. Witee Wisuthumporn Y3
16 Pang Ms.  Chanikarn   Opaspimoltum Y2
17 Am Ms. Parjaree   Manuch Y2
18 Pimpang Ms. Pimpang   Nateejarurat Y2
19 Eve Ms. Wannarot   Chantarasak Y2
20 Fah Ms. Yanisa   Sakulchaivanich Y2
21 Ja Mr. Krit   Chatikavanij Y2
22 Art Mr. Thanaboon   Manomaisantiphap Y2
23 Andres Mr. Andres Brillembourg USA